Tan Sri Dato’ VC George interviewed by his son Chacko George Vadaketh

Vadaketh Chacko George or better known simply as VC George is a prominent lawyer, high court judge as well as appeal court judge who left an indelible mark on Malaysia’s legal landscape. He was active at the Bar and its politics before he became a judge.

His career spanned from 1957 to December 31, 1980, during which he practiced law across various branches. When he retired at 65, he became an arbitrator for many years and is currently still a consultant. He was appointed as the Bar Council president many years ago and received Malaysian Bar’s 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award. Beyond his legal prowess, VC George is celebrated for his wit and storytelling abilities.

At the launch of The Living History Project a wonderful initiative by Bobby YP Wong - recording the stories of some remarkable Malaysians. A virtual museum!

Bravo to Nafhah Liyana for producing these fascinating videos.

Proud to be one of the interviewers. Here’s a link to my interview of Dad. With Tan Sri Yong Pong Kon, Datuk Karu Selvaratnam Datin Yune EI Ng Low, Dato’ G.T. Low


Website: https://www.thelivinghistoryproject.com.my